Created in 2018, is the Brussels-Capital Region’s regional public administration responsible for recruiting statutory employees and top managers for Brussels’ regional public bodies.

It serves as a link between candidates and public employers in the Brussels-Capital Region.

In addition to recruiting new talent, is the HR expertise centre for its regional partners. It provides HR, recruitment, career, well-being and diversity services to business units. It supports its partners in their organisational development challenges.

In practical terms, recruits new talent for the Brussels regional administrations and offers HR support to its partners.

Here are the six general missions of

Finding the best talent for the Brussels Region

  • recruits statutory civil servants for its 13 partner institutions in Brussels.
  • takes care of selecting and assessing top managers (agents).

More broadly,’ mission is to optimise hiring policies, by creating faster, more flexible procedures.

Providing cross-cutting legal support on HR issues:

  • coordinates the interpretation and legal simplification of the various decrees issued by the Government of the Brussels-Capital Region setting out the rights and duties of the Region’s public servants.

The Legal Department provides support, opinions and advice to Brussels’ public bodies, particularly in the fields of social and public law.

Promoting the career development of all the Region’s employees:

Its Career Centre implements cross-cutting projects relating to employees’ careers and development.
 Its role is to foster staff development, particularly through promotion to higher levels and cross-functional training.

Promoting the Region as an employer: is responsible for employer branding in the Brussels-Capital Region.

Developing a strategic vision for human resources:

Using its tool, monitors the staffing plans of Brussels administrations and analyses statistics on public employment in Brussels.’ studies and recommendations enable top managers and the government to make informed decisions about the future of the civil service.

Developing innovative HR projects and digitising processes: works to build management tools and make them available to regional managers, as well as offering them efficient and high-quality support.
This includes modernising appraisal systems, carrying out regional benchmarking of HR processes with a view to pooling and harmonising best practices, studying job trends to anticipate future transformations, integrating new technologies into HR procedures, etc.

JCMM (the South Moravian Center for International Mobility) is a specialized non-profit interest association of legal entities (4 universities and the Office of the Region) in the South Moravian Region. We provide our services both to pupils, students and their parents, as well to teachers and school principals. We strive for smart and skilled people to work on the future of South Moravia. And that is not possible without quality education. At JCMM, we make sure that people who have the potential to move our world forward and make it a better place to live for all of us can fully develop their abilities. We provide various services for residents of the region, from primary schools to retirement age such as career counseling and lifelong learning, science and talent support. 

Camilla Winter AB is an Educational Consultancy Organisation founded in April 2022 in Borås, Region Västra Götaland (Sweden). Camilla Winter AB aims to provide counselling and support, EU training courses and workshops.

The founder, Camilla Winter has many years of experience as an International Coordinator on a municipal and sub-regional level. Furthermore, she is an external expert for the Swedish NA for Erasmus+. In her capacity, she is an external evaluator, a member of the National Erasmus+ VET team (former ECVET team). What’s more, Ms Winter has been cooperating with EARLALL since 2018 and she has been a key advisor to design our network activities and vision.

Camilla Winter and Lifelong Learning

Camilla Winter AB is a consultancy based in Borås, Region Västra Götaland, Sweden. Their priorities for lifelong learning include capacity building concerning a lack of skills and knowledge; knowledge about Erasmus+; skills in writing a competitive proposal; knowledge about European tools like the EQF, SELFIE, e-twinning, EPALE etc.

The municipality of Borås (City of Borås)’s Working Life Department, Department for Adult Education are an associate member at EARLALL. They are part of the Working Groups: Ageing Population and Lifelong Guidance and Skills and Labour Market.

The City of Borås is located in the Västra Götaland region, in the western part of Sweden. With 113,000 inhabitants, Borås is the thirteenth largest city in Sweden.

Borås is part of a regional cooperation with seven municipalities in the surrounding area in the field of VET. Vuxenutbildningen Borås (Adult Education Borås) is the municipal adult education service for employed or unemployed people who need to develop their competences or who would like to undertake a career change. The organisation counts on about 5,500 students and 200 employees. Students have the opportunity to study full-time, part-time or via distance leaning, depending on their course choice.

The City of Borås has a special interest in upskilling and reskilling pathways for employees and the unemployed, and supports the collaboration between VET providers and companies. Adult Education Borås offers programs in specific fields where there is an explicit competence demand, such as textile or e-Commerce.

Main economic activities of the region: Logistics, Technology (digital solutions and services), Textile design, development, fashion and import; Creative businesses; Science park and innovation; Borås College University

Borås and Lifelong Learning

Two departments in Borås are involved in lifelong learning and represent the city:  the Department of Adult Education which  responsible for VET and the Working Life Department who works together with Department of Adult Education with NEETs and with the introduction of migrants. The city’s priorities are to work for inclusive labour markets, managing shortage of skills, providing language and professional training for migrants, including:

  • Activating women, young people or NEETs in the labour market
  • Projects that harness skills defined in specific contexts by representatives of labour or public authorities
  • Policy initiatives where social actors shape working conditions or influence labour or social policy
  • Activating young people or senior people in the labour market

Examples of projects in the municipality

DAMAS, 2021 – 2023

The DAMAS (Digital Apprentices Mobility in the Automotive Sector) project aims at testing virtual mobility in the automotive sector. In the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, developing virtual mobility has proven to be a key need in the Vocational Education and Training (VET) sector. DAMAS will find an innovative solutions for the future, mostly by using digital tools. More information can be found here:

Get Ready in West, 2021- 2023

The project seeks to strengthen individual competencies for those who have not finished school and are unemployed to help them finish their degrees. It targets those Not in Employment Education or Training (NEETs) from 16-24 and is ran by the Department of Adult Education, Working Life Department and the National Employment Agency.

GO! organises official education in the Dutch speaking part of Belgium. It is an autonomous body of the Flemish government which functions independently of the Flemish Minister of Education. GO! Council’s main mission is to guarantee free choice of education in Flanders and the Brussels Capital Region. The GO! Council makes the main strategic choices for the future of GO!. It is supported by administrative and pedagogic services (including an in-service training department), located in Brussels. The organising power belongs to the 26 groups of schools (regional). Each group of schools manages all GO! institutions of education in a given region, consisting of a number of primary and secondary schools. GO! schools are spread all over Flanders and the Brussels-Capital region.

GO! provides education from nursery school, through compulsory school age through to adult education and including schools specialising in creative and performing arts and technical and professional education. GO! provides policy guidance, curriculum development and teacher training for its 700 schools / centres and for 35,500 members of staff serving 220,000 students in compulsory education and 109,000 in adult education.

Our mission

  • To provide all children, whatever their background or status might be,  with equal opportunities in education, helping them in discovering  and developing their unique talents.



Education is not only about transferring knowledge or preparing for further studies or the job market. We of course want young people to acquire the necessary knowledge in an appealing way but find it equally important that they should grow into outspoken, outgoing, open-minded and critical citizens, able to find their way in today’s complex society.

In today’s world with its many aspects, beliefs, opinions, religions, ways of life it is more than ever crucial that we teach our children how to live together. To teach them that every person, whatever his or her opinion or way of life, is  worthwhile  and that none are superior compared to others. We firmly believe in this equal value-principle. Everyone is of course entitled to his or her own opinion but must also respect different attitudes in life in an open spirit and without condemnation.

That is why our schools must by nature be open to the world , they are not islands in their own right because the world today is anything but an island. Our schools must depict the world as it is in all its diversity. That is also why our baseline is “Samen leren samenleven” (learning all together how to live together).


Movetia is an associate member of EARLALL and is currently co-coordinating the Mobility Working Group.  Movetia is the Swiss national agency for the promotion of exchanges and mobility in the education system. Be it within Switzerland, with other European countries or elsewhere in the world, Movetia encourages and supports exchange, mobility and cooperation activities in the different sectors of education, ranging from primary school through adult education to university level, as well as promoting extracurricular activities.

Movetia acts as promotion agency, funding agency, competence centre for international cooperation in education, and service centre. We fund and support exchange, mobility, and cooperation activities in the education system (from early childhood education and care to higher education) and in the extracurricular domain, both in Switzerland and abroad. We link up institutions and individuals who are already running projects and those keen to get involved.

Movetia and Lifelong Learning

Movetia’s work is anchored in the Swiss context, including in the jobs and labour market. Since 2014 Switzerland is no longer associated with Erasmus+. However, association remains objective. Movetia is the Swiss national agency for the promotion of national and international mobilities and cooperation projects. Their international activities are based on the Federal Act on International Cooperation and Mobility in Education and on the National Strategy for Exchange and Mobility of the Confederation and the Cantons.

The Swiss cantons are important players in the Swiss education system, which is based on subsidiarity. Many of them already have extensive experience with cross-border collaboration, which extends to the field of lifelong learning. In addition to working with representatives from institutions that provide education, we at Movetia thus ally with cantonal representatives. Our ambition is to support the cantons in their mobility and cooperation activities in the field of education and training in Europe and beyond.

Examples of projects

Die Lehr emit dem Plus, present

“Apprenticeship kv plus” apprentices complete two six-month work placements in a company with commercial tasks in an English-speaking and a French- or Italian speaking country. During the two work experiences abroad, they do not only develop linguistically, but also noticeably grow in other professional and soft skills. Internship abroad become a fourth place of learning. The project involved VET schools. More information is available here.

Taith joined EARLALL as an associate member in September 2023. It is part of the Mobility Working Group.

About Taith

Taith is a Welsh Government-funded international learning exchange programme established to create life-changing opportunities for people in Wales to learn, study and volunteer all over the world.

Taith is for people in every part of Wales, and in every type of education setting. The sectors eligible for funding are:

  • Schools
  • Youth
  • Adult Education
  • Further Education and Vocational Education and Training
  • Higher Education (covering Education and Research)

Taith is committed to reaching individuals and organisations who may face additional barriers to international learning exchange opportunities. We aim to improve access to international educational exchanges for people from underrepresented groups including Disabled people, people with additional learning needs, people from disadvantaged and ethnic minority backgrounds.

Taith promotes collaborations between Welsh and international organisations that enable two-way learning exchanges. Hosting people in Wales is a fundamental principle of the programme, with funding available to welcome learners, volunteers and staff from partner organisations around the world to Wales.

To learn more about our purpose, mission and objectives, please have a look at our strategy.

You can also find some examples of the projects that Taith have funded in the Stories section on our website.

Collaborative approach

Reciprocity is encouraged and the principles of reciprocity and shared learning are central to Taith.  We therefore have additional funding of up to 30% available, which applying Welsh organisations can request, to fund international partner activity.  

International institutions and organisations with established Welsh partners who are interested in supporting exchanges should get in touch with their Welsh partners to discuss whether they plan to send students overseas through Taith and to explore what opportunities there are for reciprocal exchange agreements.