The DAMAS (Digital Apprentices Mobility in the Automotive Sector) project aims at testing virtual mobility in the automotive sector. In the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, developing virtual mobility has proven to be a key need in the Vocational Education and Training (VET) sector. DAMAS will find an innovative solutions for the future, mostly by using digital tools.
Human capital management in the automotive industry is currently under extreme pressure to innovate, especially regarding e mobility, internationalisation and connection to the local ecosystems. DAMAS will link key actors to polish skills provision and acquisition in the sector and foster international digital mobility.
To access the Moodle which comprises six training modules on delivering virtual mobility training options, click here.
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This document is a curriculum for a course concerning Digital Apprentices Mobility in the Automotive Sector. The aim of the course, consisting of six modules, is to enable learners to develop both theoretical and practical skills and knowledge about digital vocational teaching and learning methods. Each module has a specific
View the curriculum here
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