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Meet EARLALL’s first Learning Mobility Promoter!


In many European regions, there are passionate teachers, learners, directors and technical staff who are promoting and advocating for learning mobilities. The EARLALL Working Group on Mobility would like to showcase the efforts of these individuals in promoting mobilities across European borders, by recognising them as “EARLALL Mobility Promoters.”

Following, the ambitious EU Learning Mobility Package presented by the European Commission in November 2023, the EARLALL network is launching this initiative to contribute to the EU target to increase mobilities across different educational sectors.

An EARLALL Mobility Promoter refers to an individual or an entity that takes the leadership role in promoting and supporting learning mobility initiatives. This is included, but not limited to: Vocational and Educational Training (VET) institutions, directors, teachers or students; teachers across all levels of learning; technical and administrative staff working to organising mobilities; staff in regional and local authorities; academic staff or NGOs or youth organisations.

💡Learning mobility involves the movement of individuals or groups to acquire new knowledge, skills, or competencies in a different geographical or cultural context.

Meet Nicholas Waller, Working Life Department, City of Borås, Sweden

Nicholas Waller is International Coordinator for the Working Life Department. He is nominated on behalf of EARLALL Associate Member City of Borås, as he is passionate about the possibilities that mobilities can bring for innovation and the development of his services.

Priorities in lifelong learning mobility: To invest in learning experiences for staff. Develop closer ties to other regions and cities on shared issues and challenges. To contribute to the improvement of the services we provide to citizens.

Key message on learning mobility: Engaging with others through mobility develops our abilities for innovation, reflecting on the work we do while learning of the work of others. Through learning mobilities, we expand our own understanding of the world and of our greater society, connecting the local to the global, providing a broader understanding of the challenges and opportunities of our citizens.

Areas interested in exchanging on with other promotors/ exchange possibilities:

  • Services and guidance for disadvantaged adults who have difficulty reaching the labor market. (This being a very diverse group that we engage with in different activity areas)
  • Social inclusion and sustainability efforts through introductory labor market initiatives and adult education.
  • Non-formal adult education.

  • Gender equality and intersectional approaches to lifelong learning

Are you a Lifelong Learning Mobility Promoter?

Are you interested in contacting one of our EARLALL Lifelong Learning Mobility Promoters or interested in international learning mobility? Contact communication@earlall.eu.