The KEYMOB project, funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union (KA2), has delivered four reports dealing with different aspects of mobility in VET and the skills acquired by students through it. The is ending in March 2021 after two and a half years of intensive work by 8 partners from 5 countries under the leadership of the Barcelona Chamber of Commerce. Its main goal has been to develop curricula for the acquisition of transversal competences, based on a dual learning approach and mobility across countries in order to assure that respective competences are actually acquired.
An analysis of the transversal skills that can be acquired when in mobility is provided by the “Transversal Competences in Mobility Situations” report (part 1). It provides KEYMOB’s own modelling proposal for the development of such competences, along with examples from a regional and territorial governance perspective. Then, a “Curriculum of Transversal Competences in the Context of Transnational Mobility” (part 2) offers a methodological framework that provides insights about how to design learning and assessment activities and tools that will support the recognition and validation of the transversal skills acquired in mobility periods.
In order to facilitate its implementation, a “Guidebook for the development of transversal skills in transnational mobility actions” (part 3) provides a guide for teachers of training centres and company tutors on how to apply quality criteria for the development of transversal skills for the apprenticeships during their stay of transnational mobility. Lastly, complementing the rest of reports, the research study “Analysis of Transnational Mobility of Apprenticeships” at regional and local level (part 4) has been produced. The study results “confirm that mobility placement for Vocational and Educational Training students helps to develop the professional competencies of participants, both transversal and technical and, therefore, contributes to improving employability levels.”
The four reports can be downloaded from EARLALL’s website: www.earlall.eu/project/keymob.
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