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Vocational Education and Training Erasmus+ KA2 Project Matchmaking Workshop

Organised by: SwissCore, Movetia, EfVET and Trento

Date: 26 November 2024, 9-3 CET, Location: Autonomous Region of Trento, Rue Pascale 47, Brussels

This Erasmus+ KA2 project matchmaking workshop is organised by EfVET and EARLALL Member SwissCore and the Autonomous Region of Trento.  The “Project Matchmaking” workshop provides participants with the opportunity to meet in person and start building future Erasmus+ partnerships with reliable organisations from across Europe, from the EfVET, Movetia and SwissCore networks.T

The event will take place in Brussels during the Lifelong Learning Platform’s Lifelong Learning Week (25-29 November 2024) which has the theme of addressing challenges for the teaching profession. This will allow the participants of this workshop to get inspired by running EU projects and to network further. Participants will also have the opportunity to get involved in other projects and events throughout the week, organised in part by the three organisations.

Who is the Matchmaking workshop for?

VET and HVET schools/teachers in EfVET, EARLALL and SwissCore Applicants, leads or interested in applying for Erasmus+ projects Working in Vocational Education and Training institutions, or, working in project consortiums on these topics. Those interested in building Erasmus+ KA2 projects.

How is participation financed?

All costs incurred are the responsibility of participants. Please contact your international mobility coordinator for more details.

How can I get involved?

Fill in the application form (online or in Word) and send confirmation and the filled in form to projectmatchmaking.brussels@gmail.com before 10 September 2024. We will get back to you by the end of September 2024 with the next steps and confirmation of your participation.


The workshop is kindly hosted by the Autonomous Region of Trento