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EARLALL at the European Week of Regions and Cities 2018


EARLALL was actively involved in the European Week of Regions and Cities 2018, and organised two events in the context of this initiative, coinciding with the network’s Annual Conference. On Tuesday, October 9, the SQUARE centre in Brussels hosted a workshop about the FIER (Fast-track Integration in European Regions) project, funded by the European Commission. Next day (October 10), a crowded audience in House of Brittany | Europe witnessed a very successful exchange of regional best practices during a panel focused on investment in human capital. 

FIER Project Workshop

October 9, 2018 | The Square centre
FIER: Fast-track Integration in European Regions

Everyone has talents that can be used at work and can enhance confidence and esteem! “FIER” means “proud” in French, and is the abbreviation for “Fast-track Integration in European Regions.” With this words, Therese Ydrén, project coordinator, opened a session made up of a panel discussion and video presentations. The session counted on the participation of Rolf Ackermann, from Baden-Württemberg’s Regional Ministry for Education; Prof. Dr. Sarah Lukas, from PH Weingarten; Koenraad Vandenbussche, from GO! onderwijs van den Vlaamse Gemeenschap; and Wazir Shinwari, 3rd-year student in Social Work who arrived to Brussels as an uccompanied minor ten years ago. 

Investing in People for a Regional and European Success

October 10, 2018 | Maison de la Bretagne / Europe
Fostering Human Capital: Rowing in the Same Direction

Ms. Georgette Bréard (Brittany), Mr. Rolf Ackermann (Baden-Württemberg) and Ms. Marta Marín (Basque Country)

To meet the EU’s post-2020 policy objectives for cohesion, development and competitiveness, the role of education, VET, adult education and skills matching will be crucial. This requires public authorities at regional, national and European level to take an innovative approach involving all relevant stakeholders. To this end, regional representatives met at the House of Brittany in Brussels to discuss why investing in human capital is key to achieve territorial development. The session was hosted by Georgette Bréard, Second Vice President of the Regional Council of Brittany in charge of Training, Learning and Guidance, who called for reinforced regional efforts to answer the European demands of social inclusion, equality of opportunities, economic development and territorial cohesion. Specific needs and territorial inequalities will continue to raise challenges, and regional expertise provides a unique tool to face them.

For more information about the #EURegionsWeek 2018, click here.