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Baden-Württemberg showcase their best practices in the Europe’s largest trade fair for digital education


Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports was present at the LEARNTEC, Europe’s largest trade fair for digital education, which took place this year between 4 to 6 June at the Karlsruhe Trade Fair (Germany).

State Secretary Ms Sandra Boser stated: ‘Digital transformation, digital competence and artificial intelligence are now inextricably linked to schools and everyday school life. Therefore, I am pleased that the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports is again represented with a stand at LEARNTEC this year and that we can enter into lively exchanges with all interested parties.”

At the exhibition stand, participants had the opportunity to explore current digital topics in the Baden-Württemberg school sector, from digital strategies to projects such as the digital education platform, the digital School Innovation Programme, fAIRChat, DigiCompEdu for Baden-Württemberg or DAKORA. Employees of the Ministry and the Centre for School Quality and Teacher Training were present to answer questions about these initiatives during the three days of the fair.

Picture © Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports Baden-Württemberg

State Secretary Boser opens networking meeting for young companies in the field of educational media

On 5 June, State Secretary Ms Sandra Boser opened a networking meeting for players in the field of educational media at the exhibition stand of the Baden-Württemberg State Media Center. This meeting served as a platform for innovative start-ups to exchange ideas with school authorities, like-minded people and experts. The State Secretary discussed with the participants and exchanged ideas about how schools and lessons can be designed in the future. She stressed that “as we are in the midst of a digital transformation process in the educational landscape, it is important that young companies in the field of educational media are provided with a platform. She added, “Their ideas are important impulses for us as to how we shape digitalization in the field of education. That is why I am already looking forward to this exchange.”

The participation of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports in the LEARNTEC has been a milestone allowing the region once again to showcase its best practices in digital education for Baden-Württemberg and to connect with more than 300 participants.