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EARLALL Working Groups kick off 2025 activities


The EARLALL Working Groups launched their 2025 activities with a series of meetings held in the first and second weeks of February. These meetings brought together policy representatives, public authorities, and technical staff from EARLALL member regions and associate members. EARLALL operates four Working Groups, each dedicated to key policy areas: Mobility, Skills and Labour Market, Lifelong Guidance and Ageing Societies and Youth Policies.

These Working Groups contribute to EARLALL’s Strategic Priorities (2023-2028) through four main action areas: Capacity Building, Responding to Policy, EU Projects and Events and Cooperation and Outreach.

The Mobility Working Group met on 4 February,  chaired by Region Västra Götaland and Movetia, the Mobility Working Group discussed several key initiatives, including the EARLALL Matchmaking Tool, the initiative of Lifelong Learning Mobility Promoters, the Pact for Skills – Regional Skills Partnership for Lifelong Learning Mobility and other mobility exchange opportunities

The Lifelong Guidance and Ageing Societies Working Group met on 05 February,  chaired by Baden-Württemberg and Camilla Winter AB, this meeting began with a message of solidarity for the victims of the tragic attack at the Adult Training Center in Örebro, Sweden. The discussions then focused on mobility opportunities for groups with fewer opportunities, updates on SMALEI, SALAM, and Lifelong Guidance 5.0 projects and the latest Erasmus+ funding calls.

The Skills and Labour Market Working Group met on 11 February, chaired by the Department of Education and VET in Catalonia, this group continued its Sectoral Skills Analysis, which will focus on Advanced Manufacturing, Tourism, and Energy in upcoming sessions. Additional discussions included: planning for the LCAMP Networking Conference 2025 (13-15 May, Sweden), updates on the EXCEED project and an agreement to organize a follow-up event on Individual Learning Accounts, building on the 2022 session.

The Youth Policies Working Group met on 11 February,  chaired by the Tuscany Region, this meeting focused on refining the group’s 2025 strategy. Key topics included Quality of Apprenticeships, with a dedicated survey and an upcoming Interreg Europe project, potential exchanges of good practices and new project ideas, increasing youth participation in political decision-making at the local level and participation in the European Youth Forum 2025.

All four Working Groups will continue working on their planned activities and reconvene in Spring 2025 to assess progress and explore new opportunities.