General Meeting: Annual Activity Reports and Work Plans

As per the EARLALL Statutes (FR/EN) approved by the General Assembly in 2019, EARLALL members gather in an Annual Conference every year. The EARLALL Annual Meeting is an opportunity for EARLALL members to gather, take stock of the year’s activities and plan for the year ahead. It consists of a Board meeting, followed by a General Assembly. During the Board Meeting, the Annual Report and Work Plan are approved to be proposed to the General Assembly, then approved by the General Assembly.

Strategic Plan (2023 – 2028)

Annual Activity Reports

Annual Work Plans

Webinars and event reports

EARLALL is active across its Working Groups, Gender Equality Task Force and projects. It is committed to sharing high-quality reports with its members. Browse the event reports below:

Sectoral Skills Analysis Fact Sheets (2024)


Video Gallery

Browse some of the recent videos below or visit EARLALL’s Youtube Channel