On September 26, 2023, within the premises of the ITS VITA, partners of the Erasmus+ Stride For Stride partnership were introduced to the SKYLA – Smart Specialisation Skills Ecosystems for the Twin Transition – Interreg Europe project by Lorenzo Sabatini, head of Research and Development and EU projects at the lead partner Agenzia per lo Sviluppo Empolese Valdelsa (ASEV, Tuscany). The partnership of the Erasmus+ visits was visiting the ITS VITA as part of their interregional exchange study visits in the region. Mr. Sabatini began by introducing SKYLA as a ‘sister project’ in its ambitions to Stride for Stride, as it is a project which seeks to support regions in improving how they put skills at the centre of regional strategies. These similarities are shown in the mission of the SKYLA project, particularly as one of the goals is to encourage interregional learning on policy adaptation required to adapt VET systems and facilities and integrate them into S3/S4 processes and innovation ecosystems.
Mr. Sabatini pointed to how SKYLA takes the mission of interregional learning one step further by focusing on how public policy can address these needs and challenges in each territory and by compiling a policy needs’ analysis for each partner, and an exchange on these needs. The interregional exchange will result in the design and implementation of policy improvements to integrate skills into the twin transition, with a new role for VET systems/facilities and better capacity among public authorities to implement approaches. Mr. Sabatini outlined the progress of the project, in particular within the Tuscany region. In Tuscany, SKLA presents a new step in the process to exchange with Europe on region skills ecosystems in support of the twin transition.
The partnership of the Stride for Stride project, composed of 10 regional partners, appreciated the presentation and were inspired for the next stages of their project.
EARLALL is a project partner in the Stride For Stride Erasmus+ project, in addition to being an Advisory Partner to the SKYLA project.