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SMALEI partners gather in Poland for the second TPM


On May 25-26, partners in the  SMALEI – A Sustainability Matrix for Adult Learning and Education (ALE) project met in Warsaw, Poland, for the second partners’ meeting. The SMALEI project is coordinated by the European Association for the Education of Adults (EAEA) and aims at improving the sustainability of ALE providers and organisations all over Europe and increasing their capacity to contribute to forward-looking (and sustainable) societal development. The project involves six partners European Association of Regional & Local Authorities for Lifelong Learning – EARLALL (Belgium), Basque government (Spain), Volkshochschulverband Baden-Württemberg e.V. – VHS BW (Germany), Glokala Folkbildningsföreningen (Sweden), STOP Association (Poland) and Yuva Association (Turkey).

The partners met in Warsaw and were hosted by the STOP Association (Poland). Over the two days, partners discussed the progress of the main outcome of the project: a Sustainability Matrix that will assist adult learning and education providers in assessing their sustainability. Part of the outcome of the project involved a self-assessment test, that will be hosted on smalei.eu. Partners have been working hard on defining the matrix, and have decided in the first draft that it will cover four  broad domains: environmental sustainability of the institution; green skills of trainers and staff; engagement of learners; awareness-raising of citizens and partnerships for sustainability.

The partners also discussed the creation of a Green Adult Learning LinkedIn Community. The community will serve as a platform for networking and potential avenues for collaboration around the topic of sustainability, skills, VET, apprenticeships and adult learning. The community will be where SMALEI project outcomes will be shared, and the community’s members will be able to share their feedback.

The two days gave fresh impetus to the project, and allowed project partners to consider the development of a guidebook to assist in the using of the matrix, and the upcoming piloting phase.

You can find out more about the project at smalei.eu.